The climate and weather in Icmeler

Icmeler is on the coast of Turkey which is by the Mediterranean. This climate is called the Mediterranean climate. Even though that this climate is not just around the Mediterranean, it’s known to be hot and dry during summertime. Later during the year, towards the winter, the climate is changing and it will become rainy. So the best time to visit Icmeler – Turkey is during the summer. This is when it’s warm and nice, and the many shops and restaurants will be open since this is their high season. Most stores, Hotels, Restaurants are not opened during the wintertime. So Icmeler will become quite a dull city to be in during this time of the year.

So in conclusion on when to travel to Icmeler it’s during the summer.


The climate and weather in Icmeler

Turkish summers can get very warm and could be especially hard for those who suffer from hyperhidrosis. We truly recommend having AC in your hotel here.  If you own a iontophoresis device you should definitely bring it.